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Grant Application Process - Note New Application Process Effective Immediately

Grant Eligibility and Process

All applicants must be IRS recognized 501 (c)(3) charities located in, or offer benefit to residents in Miami-Dade County, Florida, and Monterey County, California.  Areas of concentration include cultural, educational, health and human services, community services, youth activities

The Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation, Inc. is changing the manner in which it accepts grants. Effective immediately, we have implemented an online Grant Portal. Paper applications will not be accepted.

We now require a Letter of Intent (LOI) for an organization that has never received a grant from the Foundation. Once the Online LOI has been submitted and reviewed, you will be notified via email as to whether or not your organization has been approved for the next steps in the process.

If you are an organization that has received a grant from The Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation in the past, you do not need to fill out an LOI, and can proceed to completing and submitting an Online Application through our online Grant Portal by the due date schedule set out below.

 2024 Grant Cycles and LOI and Application Deadlines

    Grant Portal Opens                 LOI Deadline                 Notification                Application Deadline          Notification

                                                    July 17, 2024                July 19, 2024               July 26, 2024                      September

     August 21, 2024                    August 30, 2024           September 9, 2024      September 18, 2024           November

     October 9, 2024                     October 18, 2024          October 31. 2024         November 12, 2024           December

Information in the grant portal can be entered, saved and completed or changed before submission. Once submitted,
the LOI/Application is considered complete.

We receive many more requests than we have funds to distribute in any one fiscal year. Support from DDF should not be viewed as a continuing source of funds. Conversely, many commendable applications must be declined which should not necessarily be construed as a negative assessment of an organization or proposal.  

Conferences may be held between trustees and representatives of organizations. Site visits may also be scheduled. Periodic written reports are required with emphasis on the use of funds granted by DDF.

Grants are awarded for, but not limited to, requests such as projects, programs, events, conferences, scholarships, and operating support. Multi-year grants are made in special cases.

The Dunspaugh-Dalton Foundation, Inc. does not award grants to for-profit organizations, individuals, political campaigns or candidates.

Click here to enter the Grant Portal 


​If you have any questions, please submit them to ddf@dunspaughdalton.org

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